Bachelor of Arts in Intercultural Studies

Bachelor of Arts in Intercultural Studies

The biblical foundation you need to serve, wherever God calls you


The Bachelor of Arts in Intercultural Studies (BAICS) at Texas Baptist College (TBC) aims to prepare its graduates for effective Kingdom ministry all over the world.  Specifically, this degree trains TBC graduates to successfully traverse nations’ cultural and religious borders for effective Christian witness in ministry or the international marketplace.  Students study topics such as ethnography, worldview, cross-cultural communication, cultural anthropology, and world religions.  They further learn the necessary skills to speak a foreign language of their choice and acquire core business knowledge.  After approximately two years into the degree, students travel abroad for approximately five months to a selected ministry assignment where an experienced field supervisor oversees the internship and the above-mentioned cross-cultural learning can be applied.

Course Requirements
EntrepreneurshipBUS 41023
Business as MissionMIS 24233
MacroeconomicsECN 31033
MicroeconomicsECN 32033
World ReligionsSOS 21033
Cultural AnthropologyICS 21233
Cross-Cultural CommunicationICS 31033
Hebrew IHBR 11033
Hebrew IIHBR 12033
Any two courses in Intercultural Studies ElectivesICS XXXX9
Track Specific On-Field Internship Requirements15
ChapelCHP 10006 semesters

Texas Baptist College Core Requirements
Old Testament IOTS 11133
Old Testament IIOTS 11233
New Testament INTS 21133
New Testament IINTS 21233
Biblical TheologyBIB 11733
Systematic Theology ITHE 30333
Systematic Theology IITHE 40333
Systematic Theology IIITHE 40433
Greek IGRK 11033
Greek IIGRK 12033
English I – Introduction to Academic WritingENG 11133
English II – Advanced Academic WritingENG 12133
Natural ScienceNAS 42033
Critical Thinking & WorldviewREA 11533
World ReligionsSOS 21033
Introduction to Christian EthicsSOS 33133
Introduction to Christian PhilosophyPHI 41133
Introduction to MissionsMIS 20133
EvangelismEVA 22133
Spiritual FormationBIB 10133
Any Two of the Following Great Books:6
Great Books of Early Western CivilizationIDE 1103
Great Books of Late AntiquityIDE 1213
Great Books of Middle Ages & RenaissanceIDE 2173
Great Books of the 19th CenturyIDE 3203
Great Books of the 20th CenturyIDE 3233